IIHEd is an independent research institute within JGU that is focused on pursuing research and capacity building initiatives on different aspects of higher education in India and beyond. The vision of IIHEd is to contribute towards institution building for nation building.
The establishment of the International Institute for Higher Education Research & Capacity Building (IIHEd) rests on the growth and development of O.P. Jindal Global University (JGU) as a leading research-oriented global university in India that is contributing to promoting excellence in higher education in all its dimensions. IIHEd will conduct research and offer advice on all aspects of higher education with a strong focus on curriculum development; pedagogical innovations; faculty engagement; faculty recruitment, retention and development; research and knowledge creation systems; promotion of scholarship and building research capacities; developing international collaborations; benchmarking and assessments of institutions; and for providing institutional support on law, policy and regulations relating to higher education.